
Impact Southern California currently has two main projects:


1. Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing (HPRP): this is our monthly rental assistance program for those individuals and families experiencing a temporary housing crisis. We help by providing financial assistance and other support to either help prevent homelessness or help those experiencing or at-risk of becoming homeless to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. For more information about our HPRP program, please click here.


2. Welcome Home Project: Impact is proud to be a member of the “Bridges to Home” coalition. This coalition helps to place homeless individuals and families into permanent housing. An integral part of the move into permanent housing includes making the house feel like home. That is where we come in. Impact works with the local community to collect household items for the formerly homeless family and delivers them onsite and throws the household a “Welcome Home” housewarming party. For more information about our Welcome Home project, please click here.